Leadership/Elections Examples

1. Advertising Club

Article 5 – Officers

Section A: The Advertising Club shall have a President, External Communications Officer, two Creative Team Chairs, Treasurer/Member Relations Chair, Social Chair, Webmaster/Promotions Chair, and Fundraising Chair.  These officers comprise the Executive Board.

Section B: All officers must be members of Advertising Club.

Section C: The term of the office shall be from May 1st to April 30th.

Section D: Election of officers shall be held by April 1st.  At least two weeks notice shall be given before the election meeting.  Nominations shall be made by members personally interested in an officer position and elections done by the executive officers.  The person receiving majority vote will be elected.

Article 6 – Duties of Officers Defined

Section A: President

  • Organize and maintain information in a coherent file
  • Attend Student Organization Office’s fall registration session & other SOO tasks
  • Ultimately are responsible for errors!
  • Work with advisor to make sure logistics are consistent with University guidelines
  • Make PowerPoint slides for membership meetings
  • Create agenda for exec meetings
  • Send out emails to members regarding: internships, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, trips, socials, fundraisers, member meetings

Section B: External Communications

  • Organize and maintain information in a coherent file
  • Attend Student Organization Office’s fall registration session & other SOO tasks
  • Contact agencies in regards to:
    • Membership meetings
    • Local agency trips
    • Semester agency trip
  • Gifts & thanks you’s for speakers
  • Reserve 5055 & 5013 Vilas with the correct person in Vilas office for general and Creative Team meetings

Section C: Creative Team Chairs (2)

  • Head creative team activities
  • Recruit members
  • Give updates to exec board
  • Split up into 2 different projects- each one handle one project

Section D: Treasurer/Member Relations Chair

  • Determine ice-breaker for members before meetings
  • Create & print all forms (membership & trips)
  • Collect member fees
  • Keep a list of all active members
  • Add all member emails to list serve via President
  • In charge of all food and drink for all member meetings, trips, and socials
  • Reimburse execs for other expenses
  • Deposit money into account
  • Budget updates
  • In charge of looking up information regarding trip transportation and lodging prices
  • Apply for any and all grants we are qualified for

Section E: Social Chair

  • Schedule at least one social event per month
  • Communicate information to Internal President so email reminders can be sent out
  • Assist in planning of semester trip

Section F: Webmaster

  • Complete control of website maintenance
  • Signs (meetings and trips)
  • Bring Ad Club sign to ALL events
  • Keep Facebook Group and Twitter up-to-date
    • Posts should be made frequently throughout the week
  • In charge of SOO fair (fliers, display board, handouts, etc.)
  • Assist in All Campus Party planning (WASB information meeting, contract, etc.)

Section G: Treasurer

  • Schedule at least one fundraising event per month
  • Communicate information to Internal President so email reminders can be sent out
  • Assist in planning of semester trip

2. Fishing Team

Officer positions: Elections will be made by a majority vote annually, at the end of the spring semester. A current active member must nominate officers before they can be placed on the ballot.  Elections will be planned and ran by the current officer core.  There are no limitations to the term an officer can serve.  Officer Positions include:

President:  Oversees and manages team events and affairs and runs meetings.

Vice President: Advises President and club in team events and planning.

Treasurer: Oversees financial matters of the team.

Sponsorship Coordinator: Provides and manages sponsorship opportunities for team members.

Tournament Director: Oversees scheduling of events and tournaments for team members to participate in and oversees point system for team members.

Media Director: Manages website and social media platforms of communication with members and fans.

Community Service Coordinator: Plans and manages volunteer events

-Apparel Manager: Manages fundraising efforts through sales of branded clothing

Member Relations Coordinator: Monitors team point system, uses surveys to gain insights on member experience.

3. Running Club

Article V Officers

Section A:     Running Club @ UW-Madison’s overseeing Board of Directors shall be comprised of the President and Vice President. There will also be a treasurer, timing chair, volunteer coordinators, and social coordinator.

Section B:     All officers must be members of the Running Club @ UW-Madison and students.

Section C:     The term of office shall be one full year.

Section D:     Selection of officers shall be held annually.

Section E:      Any officer may be removed from membership by a two-thirds vote of the other officers. Any officer removed may appeal to the general membership.  Said officer shall be considered reinstated with two-thirds approval of the members.