1. Adopt a Grandparent Organization
Decision Making: The officers will make major decisions about funds, decisions involving events, meeting times, and activities as a group. All organization members will determine final decisions.
Decisions to be made by Officers
- Schedule
- Meetings
- Membership
Decisions to be made by Members
- Activities
- Officer Positions
2. We’re Better Than That – Men Against Sexual Assault
Article VI: Decision Making
Section 1 – All decisions will be made by the general members, and when a decision is made it will be voted on by the executive board.
Section 2 – Voting Process for executive board on organization decisions will be decided by majority rules (4 out of 7 votes).
Section 3 – Election Process – All elections will be done through an application process. Applicants for the Executive Board will be reviewed by the President and Vice President, and then chosen accordingly.
Section 4 – Removing Executive Board Members – If there is a complaint to remove an executive board member, all other executive board members will vote on the termination of their role as officer. This will also be decided by majority rules.
Section 5 – Removing General Members – If there is a complaint to remove a member, all executive board members will vote on termination of their membership. This will also be decided by majority rules.
3. Health Occupations Students of America
~ Article VI (Voting) ~
- A: The quorum for voting will be 10 Executive Board members
- B: All Executive Board members in good standing may vote
- C: Voting is allowed by the following process:
- C.1: Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws
- C.2: Changes to General Membership meeting format
- C.3: Removal of an Executive Board member
- C.3.1: The final decision to remove an Executive Board member will be decided by the Human Resources Director, Public Relations Director, Student Advisors, and Professional Advisors. The vote by the Executive Board will be taken into consideration when the final decision is made.
- C.4: Significant structural changes to the organization of HOSA, such as creating new committees or transferring one committee from one branch to another
- D: In order to approve and adopt a proposal there must be a 2/3 majority vote by the Executive Board