Becoming a Registered Student Organization on campus provides a variety of benefits to help a group be successful. Check out all of these benefits below!
- Wisconsin Involvement Network
- On Campus Funding & Grants
- Reserving Space
- Office Space at the SAC
- On-Campus Marketing Resources
- Printing
The Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN) is an interactive website supported by the Engage software that allows you to identify, organize and coordinate your out-of-class involvement experiences.
WIN combines a directory of all of the Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus with management tools your organization can use to make your group run more smoothly and keep everything in one convenient place. Your organization’s WIN page can work as a website for your group. You can store documents, run elections, post pictures and events, keep track of your roster, market your event to students – and much more.
WIN can also be a tool for you to track your own involvement as a student. You can track your student organization memberships and leadership positions, your service hours, and other student experiences (internships, jobs, etc.). All of your involvement opportunities that are tracked in WIN will then show up in your Leadership & Involvement Record.
Click here to go to the UW-Madison’s WIN page.
Visit the WIN Trainings and Resources page to learn more.
There are a number of funding sources that typically fund Student Organization events and activities. Highlighted below are some important Grant policies to be aware of as well as a list of grants available to student organizations. Check out the Finances page in this Guide for most specifics on each of these grants!
Important Grant Policies
In an effort for the university to be more fiscally responsible, the Chancellor established the Associated Students of Madison (ASM) as the primary funding source for student organization events.
As of October 31, 2014, all Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) will ONLY be eligible for funding from the Global Badger Experience Grant, Multicultural Council Grant (MCC), or the Wisconsin Experience Grant IF:
- The RSO has already received an ASM Event Grant for an event that semester, -OR-
- The RSO has already applied for an ASM Event Grant for a program that semester and is on the wait list for an ASM hearing, -OR-
- The RSO ONLY seeks funding for something ASM cannot fund (e.g. food or a closed event), -OR-
- ASM is out of funds for the academic year
ASM Grants
- Open Fund Grant
- Operations Grant
- Event Grant
- Travel Grant
Chancellor’s Fund Event Grants
- Global Badger Experience Grant
- Multicultural Council grant
- Wisconsin Experience Grant
Additional Funding Sources
- Graduate School – Professional Development Grant
- Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD)
- Lectures Committee
- Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee
- Grants Information Collection
- Artivism Student Action Program (ASAP)
Once your organization is registered with the Center for Leadership and Involvement (CfLI), you are eligible to reserve University facilities for meetings and events. There are many different types of space, and the procedure and policies change depending on the type. Check out our Reserving Space page for a list of reservable spaces and more information on related to the locations on campus.
The Student Activity Center (SAC), at 333 East Campus Mall, has lockers, storage cages, mailboxes, and offices for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to use. These spaces in the SAC is given out through a formal application and allocation process.
Visit the SAC Governing Board page or email for more information.
Student Organization Fair
For information about the Student Organization Fair, please visit the Student Org Fair General Information page.
Mass Email to Students
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may send one email per semester (fall and spring) to all students (or a specific population of students) at a reduced rate of $100. For more information, go to our RSO Mass Email Request Form (also found towards the bottom of the CfLI Homepage).
A couple of important things to note:
- It takes 8 business days to process requests, so please plan ahead.
- The cost is $100 which can be paid for by credit card to CfLI or a Funding String. Requests will not be processed until a payment is received.
- These emails must be plain text only – no graphics, font colors, etc. of any kind.
- Subject lines are limited to 40 characters in length.
- Text will be reviewed to ensure that the message is compliant with University policies.
- Mass emails are not sent during summer term or winter recess, and are only sent between the first and last day of the fall or spring semester.
If you are a student and would like to be removed from RSO and 3rd Party Mass Email communications, please see this page for details on how to enable a Privacy Restriction related to your student email address:
CfLI Buzz
The CfLI Buzz newsletter is a weekly email sent to all Registered Student Organization Primary Contacts. You can also post your own announcements! This communication option is ideal for student organization announcements, training opportunities, upcoming events, and reminders. Visit the CfLI Buzz page for more information and important links.
WIN and Other Campus Calendars
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are able to post events on campus calendars as a way to advertise what’s going on with your group.
Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN)
You can post events in the Wisconsin Involvement Network. You can decide if you want the event to be visible to:
- Anyone on the WIN site (public)
- Anyone logged in with their UW NetID and password (campus)
- Just members of your organization
- Only people you invite to the event
WIN Event Management and Guidelines
UW Campus Calendar
University Departments and Registered Student Organizations are able to submit an event to the Campus Events Calendar.
University Communications
University Communications produces several high-visibility print and online products used to communicate with the campus community, the news media and other audiences. Click here to submit your news or story idea.
Posting, Chalking, and Leafletting
Registered Student Organizations use a variety of ways to get the word out about organization meetings and events. If your organization would like to put up posters on campus, chalk announcements on campus, or hand out leaflets to students, please check out this policy page within this Guide for more information.
Obtaining Lists
For information on obtaining lists of enrolled students including contact information (postal addresses, phone number, and/or email), visit the Registrar’s Website.
Mailing Labels for International Students
If you are trying to contact International students, contact International Student Services (ISS), 217 Red Gym, or by ISS does not provide student information directly to registered organizations due to the confidentiality of information by citizenship, but the office is willing to transfer information electronically from organizations to students. The request should be made at least two weeks before the communication needs to be mailed.
Information by ethnicity and citizenship represents confidential information. Therefore, policies for ensuring confidentiality with respect to information on students of color and international students must be strictly maintained.
University Bulk Mail
To use University Bulk Mail Services, your group must be registered with the Center for Leadership and Involvement (CfLI). Information can be found at UW Mail Services.
Using the Campus Mail Service
RSOs and university departments may send mail via campus mail, individually addressed with the individual name (not “current resident”) and the individual’s room number and building name. Businesses, non-profit organizations, non-university departments and other student groups which are not RSOs must send their mail via U.S. mail, individually addressed to a specific student’s name.
Mailbox Stuffers for RSO Mailboxes Located in the SAC
Mailbox stuffers aren’t allowed for the SAC mailboxes. If RSOs are interested in posting information about events or programs they can post flyers on the bulletin board next to the welcome desk on the third floor of the SAC. For further questions about mailboxes and SAC posting policies please contact the Student Activity Center Governing Board.
RSOs are able to access grant funding to pay for printing for internal organization operations and events. Listed below are places on-campus to access self and full-service printing resources:
- The RSO Print and Resource Center will offer self-service printing machines.
Color and black and white laser printing at campus general access computer labs, called InfoLabs
College of Letters & Science Copy Center:
Printing and photocopies at 17 library locations:
Poster printing at College Library, MERIT Library (including laminating) and Steenbock Library
Variety of printing services from small to large format, DVD/CD duplication, course packet printing and more at Digital Publishing and Printing Services, the largest in-house printing operation within the State of Wisconsin government:
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may use the Audio/Visual (AV) equipment available in select classrooms at no cost after completion of the required online training.
Reserving a classroom with AV
To reserve a classroom with AV, contact Campus Event Services Office (CESO). At the time of your reservation, please indicate that you need a room with AV and the type of AV needed, as this will affect your room assignment. The Campus Event Services Office has a list of the rooms available to RSOs so they can assist you with which room will work best for your event. Check out this page for more information on reserving space.
AV Equipment Training
In order to be able to access the podium computer, you must complete the online AV Equipment training. Upon completion of this training, you will get a code to log into the podium computer.
If you only need to use the projector, the code you receive from the AV Equipment Training mentioned previously will give you access. That code is attached to your NetID and you will be held accountable for issues that arise while you are logged in, so please do not share it with others.
Classroom Media Support (such as the DVD/VCR, Microphones, and/or Document computer) no longer requires keys to open the AV podium doors; they are always unlocked. A passcode is still required.
Free Storage Lockers & Mailboxes
- If registered student organizations would like a storage locker or a mailbox, they should apply for one at the Student Activity Center (SAC).
- Lockers and mailboxes are available on a first come first serve basis at no charge Lockers are allocated via the SACGB Space Application on a yearly basis.
- Any lockers not allocated can be taken first come first serve. Applications can be found on the SAC Governing Board website
- RSOs must pick up mail in a timely manner
- Suggested pick-up time: once per week
- If you have a locker or a mailbox and no longer need or want i, inform the SAC Governing Board at
- The Center for Leadership & Involvement does not accept mail for RSOs or provide storage space
Rental Mailboxes
- The Wisconsin Union has mailboxes available for rent.
- $10 per semester and summer.
- For rental information and to sign up, call the Office Manager of the Facilities Office (608)262-4400
The Center for Leadership & Involvement (CfLI) has card scanners available for Student Organization use.
Benefits of Scanning Student IDs:
- Speed up the check-in process. Students only need to provide their Student ID, instead of spending time to write down their name and email. Additionally, this will save time for your organization if you want to transfer this information to an electronic document.
- Track attendance electronically. After an event and returning the card scanner to CfLI, the attendance of your event will be provided through WIN (Wisconsin Involvement Network).
- Tracking attendance in WIN benefits both your organization and your members because the event attendance shows up in the Leadership & Involvement Record in individual students’ WIN pages
- The attendance list can also be exported from WIN into an excel document and saved for the organization’s purposes
- Send surveys and advertisements to event attendees
How to Reserve a Scanner:
- Create an Event through your organization’s WIN page and have it approved by CfLI. Click here for instructions on creating a WIN event.
- Fill out the Card Scanner Reservation Request Form
- Note that these scanners are available on a first-come first-served basis and we have a limited number – so plan ahead! Please make sure you receive an approval message from CfLI regarding your reservation request.
- On the day of your event, pick up the scanner(s) between 10am and 3:00pm from our desk at the Student Activity Center, on the third floor of 333 East Campus Mall.
- You’ll be asked to agree to the conditions in the form, assuring that you are aware of the due date and policies.
Card Scanner Policies:
- Scanners can only be checked out after 10:00am on the day of the event (or on Friday before a Saturday or Sunday event)
- Scanners are due before 3:00pm on the day after the event (on Monday after a Friday, Saturday or Sunday event)
- If the scanner is not returned by the due date and time, the student who checked out the scanner will personally be charged a fine of $10 per business day
- If the scanner is not returned by the due date and time, status as a Registered Student Organization, including all of its rights and privileges, may be revoked
- If not returned for 10 business days, the unit will be considered lost and the student who checked out the scanner will personally be charged the $200 replacement cost
- If the unit is damaged, a fine may be assessed up to replacement cost to the student who checked out the scanner
Instructions for Use:
- Push the button while aiming the laser at the bar code of student’s Wiscard
- When you hear a beep, the card has been scanned
- If you do not hear a beep or see the light above the button turn from green to red, track the student in a different way (i.e. signing in by hand)
- Note: If the device is not beeping at all, hold down the button for 15-20 seconds and then try again
The Card Scanner will only work for UW-Madison Wiscards. To track attendance for people who are not UW Students, Faculty or Staff (or someone who does not have their Wiscard with them), you may want to provide a sign in sheet.
Registered Student Organizations are able to utilize University Car Fleet Vehicles. The Office of Risk Management has updated their policy on Fleet Vehicle use for Registered Student Organizations. Follow the car fleet page to learn more about the pertinent policies, forms, and links.
Sponsorship & Support
A University department may choose to sponsor some or all of a registered student organization’s (RSO’s) events and activities. A department electing to sponsor an RSO event or activity should ensure that the nature and extent of the sponsorship is clearly understood by both the department and the organization. In order to sponsor an RSO event or activity, a department must adhere to the following practices:
(Special Notes: If the student organization is a formal part of University Housing, Wisconsin Union Directorate/Hoofers, Recreational Sports, or other UW department the policies and procedures established by those units must be followed. If a student organization receives funding through the ASM student government allocation process or other university funding source, additional financial restrictions imposed with that funding must be followed).
Additional policy information is available on the University Relations – Sponsorship page.
Minimum Requirements
- Advisor/Direct Supervision: A University employee must be appointed to provide “direct supervision” of the RSO program or activity that is being co-sponsored by the department. The chair of the department and the Dean/Director of the School/College involved must be aware of the appointment.
- Liability: In order for student organization events/activities to have University liability coverage, members of the student organization must be filling the role of an agent of the University. The member’s agency derives from the direction and control received from the University department and in benefit to the University in fulfillment of the University mission. Therefore, the advisor shall provide direct supervision of the group’s activities. Coverage can only be extended to events/activities that correlate with the University mission. If you have questions about coverage, the risk management office should be consulted. Recommendation: It is strongly recommended that the department obtain appropriate review of, and an authorized University signature for, any contracts or legal agreements that pertain to a departmentally sponsored activity of the student organization.
- Expenditures: If your department chooses to sponsor a student organization’s event or activities, state funds may not co-mingle with an “outside” checking account maintained by the RSO. Any funds controlled by the department to support the RSO’s activities, must be paid directly to the vendor from whom goods/services are purchased on behalf of the RSO activities. Property purchased with departmental funds for the benefit of an RSO remains the property of the department, not the RSO. Recommendation: If your department “sponsors” an RSO, assists financially with their activities, and the RSO has an outside checking account, it is recommended that the outside checking accounts be used primarily to pay for social activities and expenses that the department or other grants will not fund. It is beneficial for the sponsoring department to pay for any durable goods, such as a personal computer or video camera, to ensure that these items are insured as university property and are available for subsequent groups of students that may be sponsored by the department.
- Revenue other than gifts and donations: Student organizations may receive revenue from sources other than gifts and donations. Examples include membership fees charged by the organization or sales of goods, such as t-shirts. If these revenues are earned as a result of an event/activity that is being sponsored or co-sponsored by your department, by state statute, these revenues must be deposited to a university account and then must be expended by your department in support of the student organization to the extent agreed to between your department and the student organization. If the student organization conducts these revenue-producing activities without departmental sponsorship, the revenue may be deposited to the outside checking account of the student organization or deposited in a university account.
- Acceptance of gifts and donations on behalf of the RSO: Most student organizations are not eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions on their own. Gifts and donations in support of a departmentally sponsored RSO event or activity are tax deductible to the donor if accepted by a department via the University’s Gift or Gift-In-Kind processes, or designated to the department’s UW Foundation account. Therefore, if a departmentally sponsored RSO asks a department to accept a donation or gift on its behalf, it will be the decision of the department on whether or not to accept it and whether to accept the gift/donation internally or direct it to the department’s UW Foundation account. Proceeds from the gift/donation must be deposited into and expended from a University account, even where the gift/donation is accepted by the UW Foundation on behalf of the department’s RSO.
- Use of Fleet Vehicles: University departments may reserve fleet vehicles on behalf of a student organization, only if it is for official University business. More information can be found in the Car Fleet tab above.
UW Madison is increasing support to RSOs by expanding advisor expectations and training. As of August 1, 2024, UW Madison determined that a listed advisor is required in the Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN) system for all student organizations.
RSO advising can be provided by:
· A volunteer advisor chosen by or matched with the student organization
· An assigned advisor provided by their departmental sponsor
· Advisor services provided by the Center for Leadership & Involvement (CfLI)
2024 – 2025 academic year the focus will be on confirming the needs related to RSO advising, expanding advising training and resources, growing a pool of potential volunteer advisors, and matching RSOs in need of additional support with advising services. For this transitional academic year, no student organization will be unable to register if they currently do not have a listed advisor; through the registration process, student organizations can indicate their current advisor or request assistance in securing advising services.
Student organizations contribute to campus culture, influence change, and have a lasting impact on the University. Through this emphasis on RSO advising, student leaders will have increased support to achieve their organizational goals. Additional support will assist student organizations in flourishing, attracting additional members, and providing meaningful programs and opportunities for their fellow students. By continuing to strengthen student organizations, more student leaders can enjoy a unique “Wisconsin Experience” that inspires them to a lifelong commitment of service in their communities long after graduation.
The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) offers several free services to students and Registered Student Organizations on campus.
Custom Technology Workshops
In addition to providing all students with workshops, one-one-one consultations and online training resources, DoIT Academic Technology’s Software Training for Students offers Custom Technology Workshops to all RSO’s. Our trainers will work with you to tailor a training or series of trainings to your RSO’s needs. Flesh out your members’ resumes with profession-relevant software like Excel, HTML and Python. Equip your RSO marketing team with the software knowledge to design flyers, create websites and produce videos. Help members get ahead in class by learning MATLAB and Microsoft Access before they need it.
Trainers are typically available 9am-9pm on weekdays and 12-9pm on Sundays. In addition, we can reserve a computer lab if needed. There is no charge for this service as long as registered UW-Madison students are the primary learners and there are at least 5 student participants.
To get started, please fill out our Custom Workshop Request Form or email us at to set up a consultation.
Office 365 Groups and Gsuite
RSOs can use Office 365 or Gsuite for their email and collaboration needs. RSOs can also set up membership and other meetings, let the campus know your events schedule, check member calendars, and even reserve a room and equipment for a meeting. Check out the services compared here within the Knowledge Base.